

Uni VPN Client remote access endpoint solution

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  • 更新时间2023/2/17 14:33:11
  • 访问次数582

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深圳市联软科技股份有限公司以成为“保障络安全的中坚力量”为使命,自2004年下半年创立以来,始终专注于企业网络安全管控技术领域,业务范围涵盖:端点安全、边界安全、云安全服务三大领域,是中国企业端点安全领域的,国产自主安全可控的网络安全管控技术厂商、较早的网络准入控制厂商之一。2019年8月,联软科技并购魔方安全,获得了以攻击者视角对全网暴露面进行主动持续监控与管理的能力,正式进入网络领域,致力于以全局视角,改变现阶段力量不平衡的网络安全环境。2019年12月,联软科技获得达晨财智6000万人民币投资;2020年8月,获中网投、深圳高新投领投近亿元融资,并于同期在咨询机构Frost&Sullivan发布的《中国企业端点安全市场研究报告》中荣获竞争力地位。基于“构建可控的互联世界”的愿景,联软科技在2016年提出了“可信数字网络架构TDNA”(Trusted Digital Network Architecture)的理念,并在该理念下研发出了全新一代企业级安全保护平台ESPP,集网络准入控制、终端安全管理、移动设备管理、杀毒管理、服务器安全管理、数据防、终端检测与响应等系统于一体,通过一个平台,统一框架,数据集中,实现更强更智能的安全保护,减轻安全管理负担, 降低采购和维护成本。联软科技立足自主研发与技术创新,目前拥有近400人的专业技术研发团队,在深圳、长沙两地建立了技术研发中心,专注于新技术、新产品的研发。成立三年左右,即被评为 “国家”(2008年初),在过去16年中,联软科技在业内发明创造了一系列的技术与产品,如:网络接入设备快速自动发现与定位技术、网络准入控制产品、旁路式 /准旁路式准入控制技术、融合网络隔离、网盘、DLP技术于一体的网间数据交换产品等都开创性。经过联软团队16年的努力,ESPP各子系统已经为3000多家金融、制造、交通物流、医疗、运营商、能源等行业客户提供持续创新的网络安方案和技术服务。如在深圳证券交易所、国信证券、招商证券、中国银行、国家开发银行、中国电信、中国移动、海尔、美的、顺丰等用户的生产和办公环境中,已经历了多年的安全运行考验。国家开发银行、民生银行、神华集团、南车集团、中联重科等诸多用户,在二次选择产品时,放弃国外产品,选择了ESPP。联软一直高度重视客户服务工作,设立了全国统一的客服热线,建立了符合ITIL标准的专业化服务流程。覆盖全国的营销和售后服务网络,使联软能为客户与合作伙伴提供及时、有效、专业的服务。优秀的服务能力带来了更优秀的项目交付能力,联软的项目验收率高达99%以上。创造价值,成就伙伴,是联软科技奉行的合作原则。联软科技作为华为安全商业联盟2.0的核心成员,帮助更多客户、合作伙伴更好更快地构建其网络安全基础设施的能力,为客户提供具备容错能力和对抗能力的安全产品,实现安全与业务融合,让安全更智能、更简单、更高效,是联软科技不断前进的动力。联软科技将持之以恒地进行技术与服务创新,与您共同构建可控的互联世界!
Uni VPN Client remote access endpoint solution 产品信息

Uni VPN Client remote access endpoint solution

Uni VPN Client is a terminal software for VPN remote access launched by Huawei. It mainly provides secure and convenient access services for office users to remotely access corporate intranet resources. A typical application scenario is shown in Picture 1.

Picture 1 office users use Uni VPN Client to access the corporate intranet through a VPN tunnel

Uni VPN Client has the following functions:

Powerful access capability

Uni VPN Client integrates the three mainstream VPN access technologies of SSL VPN, L2TP VPN and L2TP over IPSec VPN, which can meet users' VPN access requirements in different scenarios. Users do not need to purchase multiple terminal software for different VPN access scenarios, which effectively saves investment costs.

Flexible tunnel separation technology

It can support office users to access the corporate intranet resources while also accessing the Internet and local area networks. The various business flows do not affect each other, avoiding business conflicts.

Smart gateway selection

Large enterprises usually provide multiple VPN gateways to support a large number of users. When a VPN gateway accesses a large number of users, there will often be insufficient system resources, delayed access response, and excessive users being forced to go offline, which affects the user experience. office users can use SecoClient's gateway selection function to automatically select a gateway with the fastest response speed among multiple VPN gateways for access. Using the gateway selection function, users choose VPN gateways with a certain degree of randomness, and each user's access request will be loaded on different VPN gateways, effectively alleviating the problem of a single VPN gateway when facing a large number of users. Performance bottleneck. At the same time, this function also improves the user's access speed and success rate.

Reliable link backup

In the SSL VPN access scenario, a VPN gateway may provide multiple IP addresses (one IP address corresponds to one link) for office users to access. SecoClient can automatically re-establish VPN tunnels with other IP addresses of the gateway when the current SSL VPN tunnel is interrupted abnormally. After the new VPN tunnel is successfully established, service traffic continues to be transmitted through the newly-built tunnel, reducing the impact of network failures on services and ensuring the continuity of user services.

Rich authentication methods

Normally, the VPN gateway provides a variety of different authentication methods for the identity authentication of office users. The number of authentication methods supported by the VPN terminal software determines the number of application scenarios that this software can meet. Uni VPN Client provides a variety of identity authentication methods such as username and password authentication, certificate anonymous authentication, certificate challenge authentication, two-factor authentication, etc., so it can cover most VPN access scenarios.



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