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How much is the price of wall painting machine? What should we pay attention to?
As a machine that can perfectly copy your artistic creation, the wall painting machine is a good choice whether it just wants to satisfy its artistic creation pursuit, change a new style for its house, or use it to start a business, carry out outdoor advertising, new rural cultural construction, school wall painting and other work needs. But what's the price of this wall painting machine? How to choose? I'm sure you still don't understand. Now let's give you a brief introduction.
It is applicable in any field. Different prices correspond to different product configurations. Generally speaking, the prices of wall painting machines vary from 30000 yuan to 90000 yuan. The price is mainly determined by its configuration. The more requirements it can meet, the better the effect it can achieve, and the higher the price. Now let's briefly understand what key factors we need to refer to:
1. 彩绘机喷头:喷头能否适应不同类型的墙面?能否有效应对墙体不平的凹凸部分?喷头彩绘精度如何?是否方便清洗维护?使用寿命有多长?是否有对喷头的独立保护功能?
1. painting machine nozzle: can the nozzle adapt to different types of walls? Can we effectively deal with the uneven concave and convex part of the wall? What is the precision of spray head painting? Is it convenient for cleaning and maintenance? How long is the service life? Is there independent protection function for the nozzle? A kind of
2. 彩绘机感应器:一台墙体彩绘机配置了几个感应器?感应器是进口的还是国产的?是否可以感知墙面细微起伏?
2. color printer sensor: how many sensors are configured for a wall color printer? Is the inductor imported or domestic? Can you accurately perceive the subtle ups and downs of the wall? A kind of
3. 彩绘机颜料:使用的是涂料还是颜料/墨水?墨水是否健康环保?使用的墨水在户外能否经得起风吹、日晒及雨淋?墨水的流畅性、可调色性、防水性等。
3. pigment of color plotter: is it paint or pigment / ink? Is ink healthy and environmentally friendly? Can the ink stand the wind, sun and rain? Ink fluency, color matching, water resistance, etc. A kind of
4. 彩绘机适用范围:室内、室外是否都可以使用?是否能够在各类墙体材质上进行彩绘工作?
4. Application scope of color plotter: can it be used indoors or outdoors? Is it possible to paint on various wall materials? A kind of
5. 彩绘机工作效率:彩绘速度怎么样?一个小时可以彩绘多少平方?是否可以全天24小时连续作业?
5. Working efficiency of color printer: how about the speed of color painting? How much square can I paint in an hour? Is it possible to work continuously 24 hours a day? A kind of
6. 彩绘机电机:使用的电机是独立驱动还是联合驱动?响应速度快不快?是有刷电机还是无刷电机?智能化程度高不高?
6. painting machine motor: is the motor independently driven or jointly driven? Is the response fast? Is it a brush motor or a non brush motor? How intelligent is it? A kind of
7. 彩绘机素材库:是否赠送图片素材?素材库图片是否丰富?图片分辨率高不高?素材库内容后期会不会更新?
7. material library of color painting machine: whether to present picture material? Is the material library rich in pictures? Is the image resolution high? Will the content of the material library be updated later? A kind of
8. 彩绘机断电打印:停电后机器是否可以继续进行墙体彩绘作业?
8. color printer power off printing: after power off, can the machine continue the wall color painting?
9. 是否有人员上门培训?售后服务、保修时间等等。 除了那些关键的零部件,像轨道、小车头等这些基础的东西也要考虑在内。轨道的长度直接决定了墙体彩绘机的可操作范围,轨道的顺滑程度也影响了墙体彩绘机的操作度。小车头是否可以拆卸?会直接导致墙体彩绘机使用是否简单便捷、安全。
9. Is there free on-site training for personnel? After sales service, warranty time, etc. in addition to the most critical components, such as track, trolley head and other basic things should also be considered. The length of the track directly determines the operation range of the wall color plotter, and the smoothness of the track also affects the operation accuracy of the wall color plotter. Is the trolley head detachable? Will directly lead to the use of wall painting machine is simple, convenient, safe and efficient.

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