


  • 公司名称北京京工科业科教设备有限公司
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  • 所  在  地北京市
  • 厂商性质经销商
  • 更新时间2019/8/19 10:33:03
  • 访问次数450


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北京京工科业科教设备有限公司是一家致力于教育事业的发展,专业提供(教学设备|教学仪器),实验室设备,产品科规正确、选料精良,门类齐全,是全国职业院校、技工学校,培训中心、师范院校、职教中心、驾校、军校,中小学,等学校配备的产品,本公司采取灵活经营方式,以服务周到,*,诚信为本 、 *品质,讲究信誉,重售后服务的优势,赢得新老客户的青睐,热忱欢迎新老客户来电、来函、前来我公司洽谈订购。

   产品类型包括: 教学仪器, 教学设备 ,教学模型,机械陈列柜,家电实验室, 制冷制热,电工、电子实验室,财会模拟实验室,工程制图实验室,教学挂图,汽车驾驶模拟器,教学模型,示教板,汽车仿真电路实习台,语音室,物理、化学、生物实验室,液压传动演示系统,教学电梯模型,PLC编程控制器. 机电实验室、多媒体综合教学系统等。产品具有操作简单、优质耐用、性能稳定、外观精美、价格合理等特点。 以致被全国众多院校广泛采用,并获得*好评。“功能新优,品质*” 是本公司*以来不懈追求的目标。公司将秉持“追求技术进步、服务科教兴国、支持教育事业” 的全新理念,继续奉行 “诚实、守信、开拓、进取”的企业精神,百尺竿头、更进一步为二十一世纪教育事业的 腾飞和民族经济的繁荣作出*的贡献。 

电气电子工程设备软件能够通过PC根据HTML标准通过超文本导航研究理论主题; 电源为220V 50Hz AC; 并且必须提供英文理论和实践手册。
电气电子工程设备 产品信息









Solar / Wind Energy Trainer


Brief Description

The Solar / Wind Energy Trainer should be able to demonstrate how wind turbines and solar cells in the consumer and industrial markets in implementing the world’s power needs.




The Solar / Wind Energy Trainer would be used to train students in photovoltaic, small wind turbines, solar and wind hybrid systems, and the electronic components required to support these electricity-generating devices. The Trainer should be able to allow students to install, operate, and maintain photovoltaic and small wind systems, as well as learn troubleshooting techniques through the use of instructor-inserted faults.

太阳能/风能培训师将用于培训光伏,小型风力涡轮机,太阳能和风能混合系统以及支持这些发电设备所需的电子元件的学生。 培训师应该能够允许学生安装,操作和维护光伏和小型风力系统,以及通过使用插入故障的故障学习故障排除技术。

Main Specifications


The Trainer should be supplied as equipment made up of various critical parts that should include but not limited to assembled mobile workstation, digital Multimeter, battery bank and battery bank junction box, DC power distribution panel, ammeter, Dc circuit breaker, diversion load controller, kWh meters with AC circuit, breaker box, AC/DC wall switch, lockout/tag out module, dump load, and power bus bar.

培训机应作为由各种关键部件组成的设备提供,包括但不限于组装的移动工作站,数字万用表,电池组和电池组接线盒,直流配电板,电流表,直流断路器,导流负载控制器, 带交流电路,断路器盒,AC / DC墙壁开关,锁定/标记输出模块,转储负载和电源母线的kWh电表。

The Trainer should be able to operate on 220 V - 50 Hz and 240 V - 50 Hz respectively with current of 15A for 220V and 10A for 240V, with 5kW inverter. Trainers with equivalent specifications shall be accepted provided they meet the desired need.

培训机应能够分别在220 V  -  50 Hz240 V  -  50 Hz下工作,220V电压为15A240V电压为10A,逆变器为5kW 只要满足要求,即可接受规格相同的培训机。





Programmable Logic Controller


Brief Description

This is an industrial computer control system that continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions based upon a custom program to control the state of output devices.





The Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) shall be used to train students the fundamentals of PLCs and their construction. The equipment shall also be used to enable students understand motor speed control and automation and programming PLCs for industrial process control.

可编程逻辑控制器应用于培训学生PLC的基本原理及其构造。 该设备还应用于使学生了解电机速度控制和自动化以及编程PLC以进行工业过程控制。

Main Specifications


The Programmable Logic Controller to be supplied should have Dual Stepper Motor Drive which must have controls panels for both stepper motors of the Bottling Process System. Each panel with a 70W output and speed control circuitry and forward/reverse run switching and digital output designed to send feedback signals to the PLC; PC Connectivity which should be through a serial port. The PC must have the necessary software for drive sequence programming and connection cable for PC to PLC connection; Bottling Process Module which must have a compact application that should be able to combine pneumatics, motion control, and PLC sequencing.

要提供的可编程逻辑控制器应具有双步进电机驱动器,该驱动器必须具有用于装瓶处理系统的两个步进电机的控制面板。 每个面板具有70W输出和速度控制电路以及正向/反向运行切换和数字输出,旨在向PLC发送反馈信号; PC连接应该通过串口。 PC必须具有驱动顺序编程所必需的软件和PCPLC连接的连接电缆; 装瓶工艺模块必须具有紧凑的应用,应该能够结合气动,运动控制和PLC排序。

Further, the PLC should also come with two stepper motors that shall be used to move bottles along an assembly line and to distribute caps, a pneumatic cylinder that shall be used to secure the caps on the bottles, a normally-open limit switch and, a normally-open inductive sensor which should also be included for synchronization; Storage / Work Surface which must be on a perforated plate that can be used as a work surface or for the storage of components; Single-Solenoid Operated Directional Valve which must have 4-way, two-position, single-solenoid operated, spring return directional control valve which shall allow control of the motion of the Bottling Process System pneumatic cylinder with a 24V DC solenoid. The PLC shall be supplied with Air Compressor which must provide sufficient air conditioning to the unit and it should have a minimum of 7.5 litres tank capacity and operate in the range 0f 250 - 700kPa. The Air Compressor shall have the following components:

此外,PLC还应配备两个步进电机,用于沿装配线移动瓶子和分配瓶盖,一个用于固定瓶盖的气缸,一个常开限位开关, 常开电感式传感器,也应包括在内以便同步; 存储/工作表面必须位于可用作工作表面或用于存储组件的多孔板上; 单电磁操作方向阀,必须有4通,双位,单电磁操作,弹簧复位方向控制阀,可以控制带有24V直流电磁阀的装瓶处理系统气缸的运动。 PLC应配备空气压缩机,该压缩机必须为设备提供足够的空调,并且其容量应至少为7.5升,并且工作范围为0-250-700kPa 空气压缩机应具有以下组件:

  • Conditioning Unit which conditions and limits the pressure of air to 700kPa must also be included. It should come with a pressure gauge with a range of 0 to 700kPa;
  • 必须包括调节和限制空气压力至700kPa调节单元 应配备压力表,范围为0700kPa;
  • Push-Buttons and Lights which shall be used to simulate a Start/Pause/Stop station with indicator lights must come with Normally Open (NO) and normally closed (NC) contact sets;
  • 用于模拟带指示灯的启动/暂停/停止站的按钮和灯必须带有常开(NO)和常闭(用于模拟带指示灯的启动/暂停/停止站的按钮和灯必须带有常开(NO)和常闭(NC)触点组;NC)触点组;
  • Toggle Switches and LED indicator Lights (red, amber, green);
  • 拨动开关LED指示灯(红色,琥珀色,绿色);
  • Rotary Switches with three-position dual pole switches (ON – OFF – ON) normally-open contacts; 
  • 带三位双极开关(ON  -  OFF  -  ON)常开触点的旋转开关;
  • Emergency Switch Shall be designed to introduce students to safety standards and provide a readily available way to promptly terminate a problematic process; and  
  • 紧急开关应设计为向学生介绍安全标准,并提供一种现成的方法来迅速终止有问题的过程;
  • Wiring Module with multi-purpose module which allows easy interfacing between existing PLCs via leads and jacks to be used with the system.
  • 带有多功能模块的接线模块,可通过引线和插孔轻松连接现有PLC,以便与系统配合使用。


The PLC will have Signal Tower with three (3) lights (red, yellow, green) providing visual signals of the state of a process.







Voice over IP (VOIP)


Brief Description

A technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analogue) phone line.





The Training Package shall be used to study all the problems related to technologies, standards, devices that allow performing a normal telephone conversation by using a packet switching network, such as the IP network on which Internet is based. It shall also be useful for training of an installation and maintenance technician for IP telephone systems in order to know the principles, the standards and the devices normally used in the VoIP. It shall further be used to install VoIP systems in existing IP networks and to perform the maintenance, troubleshooting, and tests on VoIP systems.

培训包应用于研究与允许通过使用分组交换网络(例如因特网所基于的IP网络)执行正常交谈的技术,标准,设备相关的所有问题。 它还可用于培训IP系统的安装和维护技术人员,以便了解VoIP中通常使用的原理,标准和设备。 它还将用于在现有IP网络中安装VoIP系统,并对VoIP系统执行维护,故障排除和测试。

Main Specifications


The Training Package should facilitate training in introduction to the communication networks, appreciating the practical advantages of the IP telephone, to understand how the IP telephone works and knowing the devices for the IP telephone. The equipment should also enable students understand how to implement connections and VoIP telephone.

培训包应促进对通信网络的介绍培训,了解IP的实际优势,了解IP如何工作以及了解IP电的设备。 该设备还应使学生了解如何实现连接和VoIP

The equipment should have 250V, 50Hz AC power supply; it should have at least two analogue telephones; two VoIP Gateway devices; one software with theory and animations, questions and support programmes. The Trainer must be able to work with two PC with Ethernet networks and Windows operating system; and it must be supplied with a theoretical and practical manual in English Language.

设备应有250V50Hz交流电源; 它应该至少有两个模拟; 两个VoIP网关设备; 一个带有理论和动画,问题和支持程序的软件。 培训师必须能够使用两台带有以太网和Windows操作系统的PC; 并且必须提供英语语言的理论和实践手册。







Spectrum Analyzer


Brief Description 简介

A device that displays signal amplitude (strength) as it varies by signal frequency. The frequency appears on the horizontal axis, and the amplitude is displayed on the vertical axis.



Purpose 目的

The equipment is required for training students in measurement applications for covering cellular communications, wireless connectivity, digital radio and general purpose.


Specifications  详细要求

The Spectrum Analyser shall be supplied with 10 Hz to 3.6GHz-40GHz in steps (7, 13.6, 26.5, 32) GHz; and internal preamplifier options up to 40GHz minimum. The equipment should also have 25 MHz (standard) analysis bandwidth; optional 40 MHz analysis bandwidth (up to 26.5 GHz modules); it should also have absolute amplitude accuracy of ±0.27 dB; the third order intercept (TOI) of +15 dBm; it should be ≤-163 dBm at 1 GHz, -153 dBm at 40 GHz displayed average noise level (DANL) with preamplifier and have dynamic range (with noise correction on); of -73 dB W-CDMA ACLR. The equipment must have USB 2.0, 1000Base-T LAN, GPIB for it to be useful in the training of students in measurement applications for covering cellular communications, wireless connectivity, digital radio and general purpose.

频谱分析仪应提供10 Hz3.6 GHz-40 GHz的步进(7,13.6,26.5,32GHz; 和内部前置放大器选项低可达40GHz 该设备还应具有25 MHz(标准)分析带宽; 可选的40 MHz分析带宽(高26.5 GHz模块); 它还应具有±0.27 dB的幅度精度; 三阶截距(TOI)为+15 dBm; 它在1 GHz时应为-163 dBm,在40 GHz时为-153 dBm,显示前置放大器的平均噪声电平(DANL)并具有动态范围(启用噪声校正); -73 dB W-CDMA ACLR 该设备必须具有USB 2.0,1000Base-T LANGPIB,因此它可用于培训学生的测量应用,涵盖蜂窝通信,无线连接,数字无线电和通用。


Cellular Telephone


Brief Description 简介

This is a type of short-wave analog or digital telecommunication in which a subscriber has a wireless connection from a mobile phone to a relatively nearby transmitter. The transmitter's span of coverage is called a cell.

这是一种短波模拟或数字电信,其中用户具有从移动到相对附近的发射机的无线连接。 发射机的覆盖范围称为单元。


Purpose 目的

The Cellular Telephone shall be used as an educational system for the study of digital cellular telephone as well as fault simulation, troubleshooting of the transmitter subsystem. It will also be useful in training students for troubleshooting of the receiver subsystem and the control panel subsystem.

蜂窝式应用作数字蜂窝研究的教育系统以及发射机子系统的故障模拟和故障排除。 它还可用于培训学生对接收器子系统和控制面板子系统进行故障排除。

Main Specifications

The Cellular Telephone must be provided with Specifications a EISA BUS 31+18 INTERFACE for connection to power supply and PC, with a software able to allow the study of theoretical topics through PC with hyper textual navigation according to the HTML standard; with power supply of 220V 50Hz AC; and it must be supplied with a theoretical and practical manual in English. Equivalent specifications will only be accepted if the product so supplied met the operational needs of the University.

蜂窝式必须提供EISA BUS 31 + 18 INTERFACE规范,用于连接电源和PC,软件能够通过PC根据HTML标准通过超文本导航研究理论主题; 电源为220V 50Hz AC; 并且必须提供英文理论和实践手册。 只有当提供的产品满足大学的运营需求时,才能接受等效规范。

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